Torn Apart, a novel by David Arrowsmith

This novel, based on the Iron12 story, is available from Amazon  in paperback and Kindle Edition. The central character, Charlie, depicts Fred Innocent, one of the soldiers executed as a spy by the Germans on February 25th, 1915. Fred’s photo, an actual cutting from the Nottingham Post printed in 1915, appears on the book cover.

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Proceeds from book sales go directly to the Iron Memorial Fund. Please buy a copy and support our charity if you can. Thank you.

Book Synopsis:

In 1914, Charlie, like thousands of others, leaves his UK home to take on the Germans. His part in the brutal fighting lasted just days, but what followed was far worse than any battle. Forced to hide behind enemy lines, survival was a war of nerves. Danger lurked everywhere. The evil, cruel Rosengarten ruled his part of occupied France with an iron fist and he was determined to hunt down enemy fugitives. Can they evade capture against all odds? Charlie meets Leonie and they fall in love, but can love survive the most barbaric war ever witnessed by mankind? Torn Apart is based on a true story and real events that occurred in the early days of WW1 in 1914 and 1915.